Monday, July 23, 2012

Smart; phone

While I've been adjusting to all the fun of finally getting a Smart phone, I was quietly relieved to find an actual book about tips and tricks to using the damn thing. Yes, a phone book.

The insipidly consumer-focused "instruction" manual basically dictates in Disneyland-ish "you must be this stupid to post all your photos on Flikr," the guide tells you nothing about how anything works!

I've been bugging my pals for tips, but the book is finally my new desk-side fave. Queuing up a playlist while texting and assigning a contact list portrait? Done.

It's always nice to hear about other people who've enjoyed my books. Food blogger extraordinaire Jonathan Melendez posted a cute pic of himself with my book. I wonder if I can bribe more people to post photos of themselves reading/with my book? What if I promised a free copy of the sequel (Maybe an early emailed excerpt)?

Also relieving to read is the first disability-specific review of Every Time I Think of You. While my para-and other 'disgay' colleagues were kind in personal comments, I've been eager and nervous about getting a scholarly, thoughtful critique of the book by an informed or queer/differently-abled reviewer.

And here it is, Erika Jahneke's thoughtful critique for Breath & Shadow, A Journal of Disability Culture and Literature. Her write-up really gets to the point of the books limitations and merits. Whew.

I've tried my best to reach out to specific LGBT disabled communities in person and online, to mild success. I really am curious to know peoples' thoughts on the book.

Oh, and here's a lengthy interview with Lambda Literary Review's Dick Sharp about, well, pretty much everything to do with my new book, publishing and my other novels. Whew!

Additionally, while "Every Time..." is slipping in sales, it's been added to a few 'Best Of' gay fiction books on, such as:

Five-Star Gay Male Fiction by Colby,

Interesting Gay Fiction, also by Colby.

I feel odd repeating the message, but online reviews, even critical, are very helpful to book sales. If only a tenth of the 1,000+ people who've bought this book would just click a like or a few short words in a review, I'd be thrilled, and more people will see my book in listings and buy it.

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